Search Results

All search results for . 6091-6100 of 19507 results.

International Resources in OR
...A few issues ago (October, 1999), I wrote how the Internet and the web have made...

Trust No One at the Airport
...It's always something. Because of Congress and the Transportation Security ...


Adventures in Consulting
...All winter I had been longing anxiously for both the weather and the time for a ...


Bullish on OR
...My friend Tom Magnanti wrote in this column several years ago that "it's a ...

Risky Business
...Today's turbulent financial markets, growing regulatory environments and ...

The Power of Teamwork
...Friday: The presentation is scheduled for Tuesday. I first hear about this on ...

...Send calendar items to Peter Horner via...

Demand Forecasting TODAY
...Demand forecasting is a well-studied topic, and most techniques used in practice...