Search Results

All search results for . 6061-6070 of 19507 results.

Sally Stanford's Parable
...At the wine tasting party, agroup had gathered around the O.R. analyst and the ...

Power Tools for Visualization and Decision-Making
...We are used to thinking about simulation as a powerful tool for letting us ...

Call For Papers
...IFORS Prize for OR in Development...

Crack, Queues, Politics, Motherhood and More
...The column "O.R. in the News" returns with an important mission: to ...

The Changing Face of B2B E-Commerce
...B2B marketplaces are evolving, but when all is said and done, will more be said ...

Killing Time on the Tarmac
...My head hurts. I'm coughing and sneezing up a storm. My flight is stuck on the ...

Are O.R. and M.S. Synonymous?
...We use the phrase OR/MS so easily that we think of the two fields as the same, i...

New E-Journal Targets Teaching
...If you are reading this article, odds are you are an academic. If so, your ...

AI Trilogy
...Neural networks and genetic algorithms are rapidly becoming tools of choice for ...

Remembrances of Rick
...Updated 2/29/08: Click here to go to a video of the memorial service. OR/MS ...