Search Results

All search results for . 6411-6420 of 19507 results.

Whom Do We Invite to the Party?
...OR/MS seems to be on a roll. In the past year, Business Week rated INFORMS' ...

Water, Transportation & O.R. in Africa
...When you travel to Africa, you are repeatedly regaled by stories of the Big Five...

Recapping the Redesign Effort
...In my columns this past year, I mentioned that INFORMS had hired the consulting ...

Spam, Egg, Sausage and Spam
...Perhaps you have noticed, as I have, the recent surge in the number of popular ...

OR Powers Energy Policy
...William W. Hogan of Harvard University, who has been at the forefront of ...

The Inauguration Experience
...Six students from Mount Olive College, N.C., attended the Presidential ...

Mr. Barnett Goes to Washington
...Arnold Barnett, the George Eastman Professor of Management Science at MIT's ...

Designing Organizations
...For a few minutes, forget our profession's usual focus on mostly technical, ...

Hard Sell for Soft O.R.
...Mention the term "Soft O.R." to most "operations researchers&quot...

Poor Personal Choices and Depoliticizing Politics
...Operations researchers have often prided themselves in their ability to make ...