Search Results

All search results for . 6441-6450 of 19507 results.

Change of Direction
...In the two years since the last OR/MS Today survey of vehicle routing software, ...

The Big (Data) Dig
...Knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD) techniques are used for analyzing and ...

Internet Teaching: Interaction Without Inundation
...The IT revolution has given OR faculty a great opportunity to reach students in ...

Online Resources for OR/MS
...INFORMS Online is the place to go on the Web for information about INFORMS. In ...

The Resettlement of Refugee Farmers
...Operations research, as we all know, has the uncanny ability to find application...

Everything I Know About General Management I Can Learn Playing with Legos
...Experiential games have long been used to break up the tedium and boredom ...

Conference Affirms Collective Resolve
...To the editor...

Power Play Goals
...The pace of deregulation and the introduction of competition into the electric ...

Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach
...Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach...

Award Nominations
...George B. Dantzig...