Optimization Society Young Researchers Prize

2023 Winner(s)

Winning material: Maximal quadratic-free sets

Purpose of the Award

The Young Researchers Prize of the INFORMS Optimization Society was established in 1998 and is awarded annually at the fall INFORMS Annual Meeting to one or more young researcher(s) for an outstanding paper in optimization that is published in, or submitted to and accepted by, a refereed professional journal within the four calendar years preceding the year of the award. All authors must have earned their most recent degree within the eight calendar years preceding the year of award, or be enrolled in a degree-granting program. The prize serves as an esteemed recognition of promising colleagues who are at the beginning of their academic or industrial career. The award includes a cash amount of $3,000 and a citation certificate. The award winner(s) will be invited to give a fifteen minute presentation at the fall INFORMS Annual Meeting in the year the award is given. The winners will be responsible for all travel expenses associated with the presentation of their paper at the INFORMS meeting.

Application Process

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Past Awardees

2023 Winner(s)
Gonzalo Munoz, Columbia University Felipe Serrano, Zuse Institute Berlin
2022 Winner(s)
David H. Gutman, Texas Tech University
Nam Ho-Nguyen, The University of Sydney

2021 Winner(s)
Haihao (Sean) Lu, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago
2020 Winner(s)
Weijun Xie, Virginia Tech
Hussein Hazimeh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rahul Mazumder, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2019 First Place
Damek Davis Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, University of Washington
2018 Winner(s)
Dan Iancu, Stanford University Nikolaos Trichakis, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
Amir Ahmadi, Princeton University
Georgina Hall, INSEAD
2017 Winner(s)
Alberto Del Pia, University of Wisconsin-Madison Aida Khajavirad, Carnegie Mellon University
2015 Winner(s)
Fatma Kılınç-Karzan, Carnegie Mellon University
2014 Winner(s)
Jiawang Nie
2013 Winner(s)
James R. Luedtke
2012 Winner(s)
Sergei Chubanov
2011 Winner(s)
Tobias Achterberg, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
2010 Winner(s)
Antony Man-Cho So, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2008 Winner(s)
Retsef Levi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ganesh Janakiraman Mahesh Nagarajan, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia
2006 Winner(s)
Emre Alper Yildirim
2005 Awardee(s)
Illya V. Hicks, Rice University
2004 Awardee(s)
Jiawei Zhang, Stanford University
2003 Awardee(s)
Tim Roughgarden, Columbia University
2002 Awardee(s)
Samuel Burer, University of Iowa
2001 Awardee(s)
Kamal Jain
2000 Awardee(s)
Kevin Wayne
1999 Awardee(s)
François Oustry