2023 Winner(s)
- Deniz Akturk, Washington University in St. Louis
- Ozan Candogan, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago
Purpose of the Award
The annual case competition is intended to encourage the creation, dissemination, and classroom use of novel teaching cases in operations research, management science and analytics. While the Case Competition Award Committee desires to promote creation of new and innovative cases, it recognizes that the dissemination of such cases cannot always wait for the timing of this award, and thus recognizes novel submissions for this award as those that have been first published within 12 months of the competition award deadline.
2024 Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
2023 Committee Chair
Matthew Drake
Duquesne University
Email: [email protected]
Application Process
All submitted cases must be previously unpublished at the time of submission, or have first been published within 12 months of the original published submission deadline. If the case contains material drafted originally by individuals or groups other than the author(s) submitting the case, then the intellectual history and ownership of these portions must be disclosed clearly to the Case Competition Award Committee upon submission of the case. Contestants are responsible for assuring that this guideline is strictly met.
The recipient of First Prize shall receive $500 and a framed certificate; there may be up a runner-up who shall receive $300 and certificate.
All materials must be submitted to the committee via the INFORMS award software. Packages will be reviewed by a panel of judges familiar with the case method. The judges will select up to four finalists and the Chair will notify all contestants of the judges' decisions by the end of summer 2023.
Finalists must present their cases at the INFORMS Annual Meeting to be eligible to win. Click here for instructions »
2024 Committee Chair
Matthew Drake
Duquesne University
Email: [email protected]
Past Awardees
Craig Fernandes, University of Toronto Albert Loa, University of Toronto Nathan Sandholtz, Brigham Young University