Best Paper Award

2023 Winner(s)

Winning material: On Styles in Product Design: An Analysis of U.S. Design Patents

Purpose of the Award

The best paper award is given out annually at the TIMES Business Meeting to the best paper in technology management, product/process innovation, business model innovation, new product development, and entrepreneurship. 

Application process:

Click here for more information. 

Past Awardees

2023 Winner(s)
Tian Heong Chan Jurgen Mihm, INSEAD
Manuel Sosa, INSEAD
2023 Runner-Up
Geoffrey Parker, Dartmouth
Marshall Van Alstyne, Boston University
Evgeny Kagan, Johns Hopkins University
Stephen Leider, University of Michigan William Lovejoy, University of Michigan Ross School of Business
2022 Winner(s)
Vishal Agrawal , McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Ioannis Bellos
2022 Runner-Up
Laurence Ales, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Soo-Haeng Cho, Carnegie Mellon University Ersin Korpeoglu, Carnegie Mellon University
Pascale Crama, Singapore Management University Bert De Reyck, University College London, Dept. of Management Science & Innovation
Niyazi Taneri, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
2021 Winner(s)
Ilan Lobel, New York University
Jigar Patel Gustavo Vulcano, Columbia University Jiawei Zhang, New York University
2021 Runner-Up
Kevin Boudreau Eva Guinan, Harvard Medical School Karim Lakhani Christoph Riedl, Northeastern University
2020 Winner(s)
Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Stylianos Kavadias, Georgia Institute of Technology
2020 Runner-Up
Buket Avci, INSEAD Karan Girotra, INSEAD, France Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
2019 Winner(s)
Nikolaus Franke, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Marion K. Poetz, Copenhagen Business School
Martin Schreier, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
2019 Runner-Up
Yansong Hu, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
Christophe Van den Bulte, University of Pennsylvania
2018 Winner(s)
Florian Ederer, Yale University Gustavo Manso, University of California at Berkeley
2018 Runner-Up
Glenn Voss, Southern Methodist University Zannie Giraud Voss, Southern Methodist University
Sharon Alvarez , University of Pittsburgh Jay Barney, University of Utah Phillip C. Anderson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Karan Girotra, INSEAD, France Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Elie Ofek Ozge Turut, Rutgers University