INFORMS Fellows: Class of 2024

Please help us congratulate this year's inductees

Barton_Russell 2 300

Russell R. Barton

Pennsylvania State University

Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain and Information Systems in the Smeal College of Business

For contributions at the interface of operations research and statistics; for distinguished service to INFORMS, the Simulation Society, and the Quality, Reliability and Statistics Section; and for encouraging excellence in practice through university and industrial education.
Cohn_Amy 2 240

Amy Mainville Cohn 

University of Michigan

Alfred F. Thurnau Professor in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering

For contributions to improving healthcare delivery; for providing experiential learning opportunities in healthcare to O.R. students; and for her leadership and service to INFORMS and the profession.
gorman 2 300

Michael F. Gorman

University of Dayton

Niehaus Chair in Business Analytics and Operations Management

For contributions to practice and education in O.R. and analytics, and service to INFORMS. 
AlokGupta 2 300

Alok Gupta

University of Minnesota

Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Information Management at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

For contributions to information systems research in the application of analytics and decision science impacting scholarship and practice, and for dedicated service and leadership in the Management Information Systems community.
Ho Teck Hua 2-01

Teck-Hua Ho

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

President and Distinguished University Professor

For contributions to the fields of behavioral science, marketing, and operations management, and service to the fields of operations research, management science, and artificial intelligence.
Kaminsky, Phil 2_300

Philip M. Kaminsky

Senior Principal Scientist, Amazon &
Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley

For academic leadership and contributions to research, education, and practice of supply chain management and logistics in multiple application domains.

Hani S. Mahmassani

Northwestern University

Professor of Civil and Environmental and (by courtesy) Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Engineering

For contributions to transportation science, network modeling, and applications to intelligent transportation systems management, and for professional and editorial leadership.
Newman 240

Alexandra M. Newman

Colorado School of Mines

Professor, Mechanical Engineering Director, Operations Research with Engineering Program

For contributions to the practice of optimization in the mining, steel manufacturing, power systems and natural resource industries; for O.R. education; and for service to INFORMS and the profession.
Celso 2 INFORMS 300

Celso C. Ribeiro

Universidade Federal Fluminense

Professor of Computer Science

For contributions to algorithmic research in metaheuristics and solution methods in sport scheduling and their applications; for leadership in developing operations research internationally; and for professional service.
Speranza_Headshot 300

M. Grazia Speranza

University of Brescia

Professor, Department of Economics and Management

For contributions to mixed-integer programming applied to transportation and logistics, and for academic leadership and service to the international operations research and scientific societies.
Woodruff_David 2 300

David L. Woodruff

University of California Davis


For contributions to the theory and practice of stochastic optimization, the development of high-quality open source software, and service to the operations research community.
Zhang_Shuzhong 2

Shuzhong Zhang

University of Minnesota

Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering

For contributions to the theory and practice of continuous optimization, including applications in operations research, management sciences, economics, signal processing, and bioinformatics.