Search Results

All search results for . 5881-5890 of 19507 results.

2009 International Conference on e-Commerce (e-CASE 2009)

Looking for Meaning in an Uncertain World
...If money is the lifeblood of the economy, then raw data and information must be ...

The Science of Better What?
...nbsp;Learning without wisdom is like a load of books on a donkey's back.-...

WSC 2008 Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications

O.R.: The Science of Better
...Editor's Note...

INFORMS 2010 Practice Conference
...This conference on Applying Science to the Art of Business features ...

Are Smart People Overrated?
...Deceitful accounting practices, dishonest management and complicit boards of ...

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012 Phoenix
...The theme of the meeting, INFORMATICS RISING, blends the growing role of OR/MS ...

A Golden Quest
...On Nov. 17, 1952, John Magee, who would become a leading light at Arthur D. ...

Forecasting: Predicting Your Needs
...Forecasting time series data continues to be a topic of great interest to OR/MS ...