Search Results

All search results for . 5931-5940 of 19507 results.

A Piece of Punjab in Poland
...On a recent trip to the beautiful medieval city of Krakw, I found a restaurant...

Third eVITA Winter School on eScience - Optimization
...The Third Winter School in eScience will take place January 11-16 2009 at Dr. ...

Time for Change ... Again
...It's closing on six years since I succeeded Mike Trick (of course, nobody could ...

Should the U.S. have Attacked Iraq?
...Several years have passed since the U.S.-led coalition put an end to Saddam ...

Volunteerism Alive and Well
...In the afterglow of the 2006 Annual INFORMS meeting in Pittsburgh, I can only ...

IV Encuentro de la Red Iberoamericana de Evaluacion y Decision Multicriterio

Readers Hedge Bets on Predictive Markets

The Iraq Situation
...Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner...

VIII Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC 2009)

Gorbachev's Parable
...The lively conversation at the barbecue party had resulted in an agreement to ...