Search Results

All search results for . 5911-5920 of 19507 results.

Teacher Orientation
...The requirements for a successful academic career are similar across the ...

The 6th International Conference on Autonomic Computing

Improving Hard Decisions
...Most decisions are trivial. Decisions are trivial because either the correct ...


Can Operations Research Light Up Power Industry?
...At 4:09 p.m. on a hot, humid day in August, more than 50 million people suddenly...

8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields

Dietrich Gets Down to Earth
...Brenda Dietrich is nothing if not down to earth. The mother of four, who happens...

The Branding Dilemma
...In my first president's column, I said that unlocking the latent demand for our ...

Welcome Back to the Future
...quot;Welcome back / Your dreams were your ticket out...

6th ESICUP Meeting