Search Results

All search results for . 661-670 of 20197 results.

The Problem with Supply Chain Software
...A recent article by Eric Hellweg titled "Is supply-chain software the next ...

A Modest Proposal
...There were smiles around the long, massive conference table in the walnut-...

Post-Modern OR
...In some quarters today, one will hear the science of operations research ...

Rush Limbaugh's Parable
...quot;Wow! That was some Super Bowl!" the OR/MS analyst exclaimed as the ...

On The Right Track
...In the mid-1990s, Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was struggling if not to ...

Academic/Practitioner Cooperation, Part 1: Why is it Important? Why is it Hard?
...Given my campaign statement when I ran for INFORMS president-elect, it should ...

The Trouble with ROI
...When we left off last time, I had just finished ranting about the first ...

Insight 2.0

Opportunity Knocks
...Amid all of the doom and gloom of the struggling economy and lousy job market ...

A Fortnight in Bellagio
...From March 10-23, we were in residence at the Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio ...