All search results for . 701-710 of 20081 results.
INFORMS News: Nicholson Student Paper Competition
...Bo Zhang of the Georgia Institute of Technology won the 2010 George E. Nicholson...
INFORMS News: INFORMS Fellows Class of 2010
...Fellows Selection Chair Mark Daskin and INFORMS President Susan Albin (front, ...
INFORMS News: Students from Ann Richards School visit conference
...INFORMS President-Elect Rina Schneur (red outfit) talks to students from the Ann...
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Competing for INFORMS Edelman Prize
...HANOVER, MD, March 21, 2011 ��� Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited ...
Chien-Hung Chen
Hannah Smalley
Kevin Leder
George Wu
Alison F. Shihata
Alex B. Markle