Search Results

All search results for . 671-680 of 20197 results.

Intellectual Property, INFORMS Online and You
...This is the first of an intermittent series of columns on issues relating to ...

Does OR Hold the Keys to the White House?
...The presidential campaign is in full swing, and the outcome is very much up in ...

Problem Solving in Airline Operations
...The airline industry experiences very challenging times, and many airlines need ...

Journal Rankings: U.K. Perspective

Agents of Change
...Listen to experienced defense and intelligence analysts talking about "what...

The Netwar in Iraq
...The U.S.-led Coalition's swift victory in Iraq was more than a military campaign...

The Interim Leader
...John was unhappy...

Software Survey Saga
...One of the more labor-intensive editorial exercises we conduct on a regular ...

Revised MBA Guidelines
...I want to discuss a very important issue that has critical relevance to both our...

Patent/Copyright World Tour 2005
...In keeping with the international theme of this issue, here is a brief tour of ...