All search results for . 681-690 of 20197 results.
The Paper Chase
...During the last two decades, as information systems/information technology ...
Supply Chain Management
...This supply chain management (SCM) software survey has been prepared with ...
Selling our Wares: What We Don't Tell Them Can Hurt Us
...In spite of the large number of academics who provide instruction in the many ...
An Educational Experience
...It is hard to believe that my year as president is almost over. It certainly has...
A Test of Strengths
...Nearly 20 years ago, I had a summer job at a sales office for a large, ...
Are Airlines Doing Their Homework?
...I recently read an article [2] in The Wall Street Journal that explained how ...
O.R. Abandoned Its Interdisciplinary Roots
...I just finished reading the interview in OR/MS Today with Dr. Richard Larson (&...
Preaching What He Practices
...As this historic year for INFORMS comes to a close, many within the OR/MS ...
Napoleon's Parable
...The junior O.R. analyst was troubled and frustrated. "I just don't see why ...
A.MAZE Routes and Zones
...There are a number of challenges and barriers to adoption of routing and ...