Search Results

All search results for . 691-700 of 20197 results.

The Trouble With Data
...Item: In the aftermath of Sept. 11, many OR/MS people were eager to help. Surely...

Focus Best Minds on Most Important Problems
...The tragedy of the great tsunami of December 2004 fills our minds and hearts as ...

Practice Makes Perfect O.R.
...Practice makes perfect! It's a well-known phrase. In my mind, practice makes the...


The Founding Fathers of TIMS
...The management sciences and related fields of knowledge and disciplines have ...

IT Matters, But Only in Frame
...A thought-provoking article in Harvard Business Review, "IT doesn't matter&...

Sobering Thought: Can IP Solve Liquor Store Scheduling Woes?
...The SAQ (in French, Socit des alcools du Qubec) is a public corporation of...

WSC Diversity Award
...In order to improve outreach and diversity among young researchers in the field ...

The People's American Bank
...The home team was losing again, but the O.R. analyst didn't mind too much. The ...

The Supremes Rock Quantitative Methods
...The Supreme Court handed down decisions recently that: 1) racial diversity is &...